Camilla Läckberg – Murder Mystery Tour

On request, we have tours all year round.
Start from the Tourist information in Fjällbacka. 

Next guided walk is on the 11 th of May at 14,00 . Booking is essential. Book you tour here

Contact Åsa on 0730740056

Murderous Moments in Camilla Läckberg’s footsteps.

Follow in the literary footsteps of Fjällbacka’s queen of crime, Camilla Läckberg, and see the crime scenes she describes with your own eyes. Explore this small fishing community during a 55-minute long guided tour – “‘The Cosy Crime Walk” – through Camilla Läckberg’s Fjällbacka. Just like in the books, you get to experience murder scenes, characters, events from fiction and reality – mixed with short tales about the Fjällbacka Archipelago, from present times and bygone days, in the heart of Bohuslän! To see more places that Camilla writes about in her books, click here.

Information about the Camilla Läckberg – Murder Mystery Tour

We meet outside the Tourist Information, Ingrid Bergmans torg , wearing comfortable shoes and dressed according to the weather conditions. The guided walk follows the narrow and winding paved streets, steep in places, which characterise this picturesque village, wedged between the sea and the mountain of Vetteberget.
You can really feel the history. Buildings and events from the 17th century until today and exciting encounters with scenes and settings from the filming of the novels.
We finish our tour where we started, at Ingrid Bergmans torg. More information and how to book, click here

English tours:  All tours must be pre-booked 24 hours in advance.

Email: or call 0046 730740056

We can arrange tours to suit your travel plans, please contact us and we will do everything we can to find a guide.

Tours cost 250 SEK/person

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